OVERVIEW: Globally, respect for human rights, inclusivity and empowerment are fundamental principles of humanity. The quest for Gender Equality and Women Empowerment is critical for social, cultural and economic development processes. Harnessing the power of women and men, boys and girls is central to maximizing equity and critically important in achieving sustainable development. Women in the EAC constitute a significant demographic, forming more than 50% of the population and therefore their role in boosting social and economic development of the region cannot be overemphasized.

OVERVIEW: This Policy Statement declares the Government of Kenya’s practice and stance on the conditions under which Government may make various supports available to implementers of public projects, in order for such investments to be more secure and bankable. In Section 1, this Policy declares the objectives and rationales for its issuance. In Section 2, it identifies the 11 main problems with the current practice,

OVERVIEW: The overall purpose of this policy is to guide the Government on the achievement of an improved and effective unclaimed financial assets governance framework through a strategic approach. It is expected that under such a framework there will be Effective handling and reporting requirements over unclaimed financial assets at holding institutions;

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