Thiss policy is anchored on five key principles; namely: subsidiarity, equity and inclusivity, distributive justice, transparency in resource distribution and use, and public participation in the application and management of public finance. In this second policy, focus has shifted from the identification of marginalised counties to identification of marginalised areas, guided by the smallest administrative unit for which data is available.

The Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) was established in accordance with Article 215 of the Constitution of Kenya. Article 216 (4) of the Constitution requires the Commission to determine, publish and regularly review a policy in which it sets out the criteria by which to identify marginalized areas for purposes of the allocation and use of the Equalisation Fund.

OVERVIEW: A Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) is an instrument for promoting generation of electricity from renewable energy sources. A Feed-in-Tariff allows power producers to sell renewable energy generated electricity to an Off-taker at a pre-determined tariff for a given period of time. Renewable energy sources in Kenya include wind power, biomass, small hydro, solar, biogas and geothermal.

OVERVIEW: The National Seed Policy is the Ministry's outline of the intervention measures to be implemented in the seed sub sector in order to achieve the stated objective of availing adequate high quality seed and planting material for the country's farming and forestry needs.

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