About Us

The mandate of the School is drawn from Kenya School of Government Act, No. 9 of 2012 as well as from the Kenya Vision 2030 development blueprint that was launched in 2008. 

Under the Act, the School is mandated to build the skills, competencies, and expertise of all public servants at both National and County levels, carry out research, consultancies and provide advisory services to government.

To fulfil this mandate, KSG has provided this platform of knowledge resources, forums and programmes to share knowledge, practical learnings and support peer learning programs and activities among users.

The KSG Knowledge hub is a comprehensive source of publications on diverse learning offerings, research, consultancy and advisory services on areas of interest for the School. Through this platform, KSG aims to provide forums to facilitate exchange, sharing of practical experiences, challenges faced and propose solutions for these. In its’ role as a facilitator of peer-to-peer learning, KSG is promoting a continuous learning culture focussing on best practices and lessons learned.

The resources on these platform are provided by a community of stakeholders working on various thematic areas including devolution, governance, leadership, management, public participation. There are also Communities of Practice and peer learning networks to support public sector officials who share common interests and create feedback channels to inform capacity building, research and advisory services.

The content is organized in a way that makes it easy to search, find and share. This encourages openness in sharing information, making it accessible to users.

Public Service Knowledge Hub

P.O Box 23030-00604, Lower Kabete, Nairobi-Kenya
Tel: +254-20-4015000/0727-496698,
Website: www.ksg.ac.ke
Call: +254727-496698



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