How Much Space do you Occupy in your Organization?

How big is your vision? Are you part of the solution or the problem? A story is told of a worker in the North American Space Agency (NASA) who was found sweeping the compound. 

The then President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, had just declared that the United States would land a man on the moon and return him safely to the earth by the end of the decade.

This led scientists to visit NASA to study the preparedness of the organization for the achievement of this noble goal. On the way out, it is said that one of the scientists came across the man sweeping the compound and asked him what he was doing. Without missing a heartbeat, the man replied, we are preparing to take the first man to the moon. It is my guess that if the question were asked to some of us, we would have said, I‘m sweeping, can‘t you see?

Our achievements are usually tied to the size of our goals. The starting point is the development of a clear understanding on the problems we are solving, our marketplace and the beneficiaries of our business. This understanding helps us to establish the strategic vision of our organization. Moreover, we must have a clear line of sight of our contribution that Organizations and individuals that thrive are not the strongest-but rather, those that are most responsive to change.

The ability to align our operations to become more fluid and agile is a requirement for effectiveness. Such agility requires self- assessment to establish areas of weakness and opportunities for growth. Some of the questions to ask include, what worked and why? What would have been done better? How can each experience become part of the future response of your organization?

Furthermore, everyone must deliberately work seamlessly to produce desired results. This means creating synergies, partnerships, allowing for initiative and learning from one another. It also implies embracing the culture of continuous improvement in relation to systems, infrastructure and the human resource. Everyone must become accountable for results and constantly strive to give value for money.
Remember, the space we occupy in life is only as big as our vision at personal and organizational the course of our day-to day activities to the big picture.

In addition to having the strategic vision of the organization in mind, it is important to recalibrate ourselves to the changing dynamics in our environments, both within and outside our organizations. Everything is changing fast and so must we. Yesterday‘s solutions cannot be effective for the new challenges facing organizations today. This calls for awareness and responsiveness.

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