Do You Realise the Significance of your Work in the Lives of Others?

Why do you do the things that you do when you go to work? Do you know the reason for your current job? Sounds obvious, but it is not.

A story is told of a soldier who was guarding a remote part of the Czar’s garden in Russia. When the Czar asked him what he was doing, he said that he had been sent to stand guard there but had not been told why. Nobody seemed to know why the spot was guarded each day by a different sentry. Eventually, an old, retired officer was consulted. He said, “A long time ago, when Catherine the Great was alive, she had a beautiful and rare rose bush planted on the spot. To make sure that the rose was protected, she planted a sentry at the spot. Thus the tradition of having a soldier guard the spot began and continued long after the rose and Catherine the Great had died”.
The soldiers that went to guard the spot only did so because they had been asked to. They were guarding an empty space and did it without any passion or drive.

What can we deduce from this? In most cases, when we do not know why we do what we do, we are not motivated to do them well. The public service is meant to provide services to the citizens and as eligible for loans from banks since they had no collateral. Instead, they had to get loans from loan sharks who exploited them. Having established their need, he set out to take loans on their behalf from banks. Banks were reluctant to loan him the money since they said that the poor people would not repay the loans.

The poor people repaid the money faithfully.
Eventually, Professor Yunus was tired of going to banks for loans and decided to solve the problem by starting a bank for the poor. That is how Grammen Bank was formed. Professor Yunus went on to become a Nobel Prize winner because he found a way of meeting people’s needs without thinking about his own gain.When you develop the ability to solve other people’s problems innovatively, you do not have to worry about your own impact in the organization—it will come naturally.

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