Mentorship policy for early learning and basic education 2019

OVERVIEW: Research supports that school-based mentoring services have positive outcomes for children and youth which include increased completion rates, improved attitude towards learning, social skills, behavior and resilience.

The programmes also strengthen peer, school and family relationships. In addition, they reduce the risk of involvement in drugs and substance abuse and increase a sense of belonging in the school and the community at large.

Mentorship is a critical aspect that boosts individuals’ intrinsic motivation, aspiration and inspiration in matters of life. Those constantly mentored are highly motivated to engage in their endeavors since they are exposed to opportunities for growth and development. It makes them appreciate life skills such as self-awareness, self-esteem and the need to achieve self-efficacy. The policy stipulates the modalities and mandates of all stakeholders involved in mentorship programmes in all institutions of Early Learning and Basic Education.

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