Before You Do Anything, First Think To The End

How far can you see into the future? Everyone needs to take time off to reflect on the direction their life is taking and how they would like their lives to turn out. When is the last time you called yourself for a meeting?

Most of us are quick to attend meetings called by others but hardly ever take some time out to reflect on what our lives are about. This week, I’d like us to reflect on personal purpose, vision and mission.

There was once a King who had no son but was well loved by his people. He had an advisor-a Wazir and a physician who travelled with him everywhere he went. He offered a huge prize to anyone who would give the best advice in the land.

Many people gave great advice. One day a beggar came to the King and said, “Before you do anything, think to the end
“ Take time to think about the kind of future you would like to have. You can reflect on various spheres of life-financial, health, spiritual, family, health and fitness, community, career and job and personal development.” and then work backwards to where you are”. The King was so pleased with the advice that he gave the beggar the prize. He also asked everyone to put down the wise words by the beggar on everything they had. They put in on their cups, plates, door and even their temples. Years went by, and the King became unwell. The Wazir, who was a wicked man, gave the King’s physician some poison and told him to mix it with the King’s medicine. Once the King died, the Wazir would take over as King and make the physician his Wazir. As the physician contemplated the action, he saw the words, “Before you do anything, think to the end and then work backwards to where you are”. He thought to himself, “Once the King dies, the Wazir will become King and I will be killed because I know his secret”. He reflected on this and decided to tell the King the whole story. The King was saved and the wicked Wazir punished because he did not think to the end before acting.

How far can you see into the future? Are the actions you are engaged in leading you to that desired future? How do we stop being operational in our lives and become visionary? These questions are essential in developing the kind of vision and mindsets that will make us live fulfilling lives

We all operate on the level of our vision. A vision is a dream of a desired future. Take time to think about the kind of future you would like to have. You can reflect on various spheres of life-financial, health, spiritual, family, health and fitness, community, career and job and personal development. Set aside at least one day per month to clarify to yourself how you would like your life to look like in these areas. Then develop a roadmap for the achievement of your goals.

There is an old saying that states that if you can dream it, you can create it. Unfortunately, we are all so caught up in today’s rat race that we don’t reflect on the things that are important to us. It is your personal duty to develop a compelling vision for yourself and then work with everything that is in you to attain it. Remember the advice of the wise beggar, “Before you do anything, think to the end and then work backwards to where you are.

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